Changyu Wine Culture Museum Academic Committee Charter


Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: In order to improve the academic level of the Changyu Wine Culture Museum (hereinafter referred to as the "Museum"), strengthen business construction and academic leadership, implement democratic management, supervision, and scientific decision-making in scientific research work, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the rules and regulations of the Museum, the "Changyu Wine Culture Museum Academic Committee" is specially established.
Article 2: The Academic Committee is the deliberative, guiding, and consulting management body for academic related work in this library. Mainly responsible for determining the research topics of our library, evaluating the research achievements of our staff, establishing our research direction, coordinating academic exchanges, and guiding our business learning.
Article 3: The Academic Committee shall establish a Secretariat responsible for handling daily affairs, with the office located in the Wine and Museum Research Department of the Museum Management Office.

Chapter 2 Job Responsibilities

Article 4: Formulating and amending the articles of association of the Academic Committee.
Article 5: Deliberate the academic research direction and research development plan of this library.
Article 6: Promote the application work of scientific research projects in this library, approve internal publications and publication of works.
Article 7: Deliberate the annual exhibition, activity, and scientific research work plan of this museum.
Article 8: Deliberate the application, employment, and promotion of professional and technical titles for professional personnel in this library.
Article 9: Deliberate the establishment and adjustment of the business institutions of this library.
Article 10: Coordinate, organize, and hold academic presentations or seminars in this library.
Article 11: Deliberate other academic matters of the library.

Chapter 3 Organizational Form

Article 12: The Academic Committee shall be composed of researchers with certain academic achievements and experienced management personnel. Academic committee members must have noble academic ethics, upright work style, impartial handling of affairs, adhere to principles, and not follow personal matters. They must strictly abide by national guidelines, policies, and relevant regulations of the library.
Article 13: The term of office of members of the Academic Committee is 4 years, and they may be re elected. If the term needs to be shortened or extended due to special circumstances, it must be approved by the Academic Committee Meeting.
Article 14: The Academic Committee shall be composed of 7-11 members, with one director and 2-3 deputy directors. An additional secretary shall be appointed to assist in handling daily affairs and keeping meeting records.

Chapter 4 Method of Generation

Article 15: The director, deputy director, business personnel with associate research (including) or above titles, or those with academic achievements in relevant fields shall be candidates for the academic committee, and members shall be elected through election. The director of the academic committee is concurrently held by the director, and the selection of vice directors is decided by the committee members at a meeting.
Article 16: The personnel participating in the election of members of the Academic Committee include museum leaders, department directors, and business personnel with intermediate professional titles or above. The election must have at least two-thirds of the attendees in order for the election results to be valid.
Article 17: The Academic Committee may, based on the actual needs of academic research in the library, hire three external experts and scholars as academic advisory members.

Chapter 5 Rights and Obligations

Article 18 Rights
1. Participate in various activities organized by the academic committee.
2. Has the right to speak, vote, and vote on academic committees.
3. Has the right to suggest and criticize work related to scientific research and academic activities.

4. Has the right to reconsider the decisions of the academic committee.
5. Has the right to criticize and make suggestions on the work of the academic committee.
Article 19 Obligations
1. Seriously complete the tasks related to scientific research and academic activities in our library.
2. Strive to promote academic research in our library and actively participate in academic exchange activities both inside and outside the library.
3. Recommend outstanding young and middle-aged talents to the museum leaders.

Chapter 6 Rules of Procedure

Article 20: The meeting of the Academic Committee shall be convened by the Director. In the absence of the Director of the Academic Committee, the Director shall designate a Vice Chairman or member to convene and preside over the meeting.
Article 21: The resolutions of the Academic Committee shall adopt the principle of democratic centralism.
Article 22: The library shall allocate a certain amount of funds annually as the daily meeting expenses, academic conference expenses, and expert lecture remuneration of the Academic Committee to ensure the normal operation of all activities of the Academic Committee.
Article 23: Academic committees are generally held 1-2 times a year. According to work needs, a meeting may be convened upon the proposal of the Director of the Academic Committee, the Director of the Library, or more than one-third of the members. More than two-thirds of the committee members must attend in order to hold the meeting. Before each meeting, the chairman of the academic committee should propose the meeting agenda and notify all members in advance to prepare for discussion, in order to improve the efficiency of the meeting.
Article 24: When an academic committee discusses a proposal and makes a decision through anonymous voting, it must be approved by more than half of all members in order to be effective.
Article 25: If a member fails to comply with relevant regulations and the circumstances are serious, after discussion by the Academic Committee, their position as a member of the Academic Committee may be dismissed.

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 23: This constitution shall come into effect from the date of adoption by the Academic Committee.
Article 24: The interpretation rights of this Articles of Association belong to the Academic Committee. If there are any matters not covered, the academic committee shall negotiate separately.

Changyu Wine Culture Museum
May 18, 2018