
Wu Linsheng, a full-time painter at Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Painting after 1978, is a member of the China Artists Association and a national first-class artist at Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Painting. I have been studying under Fu Baoshi for over 20 years, inheriting and organizing the study of Fu Baoshi's artistic theory and Chinese painting techniques. Wei Zixi is a famous landscape painter from Jiangsu Academy of Chinese Painting. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a painter at the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, honorary president of the Xuzhou Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, and the third council member of the China Artists Association. There is a collection of paintings by Wei Zixi. In 1993, two industry teachers jointly created a precious landscape painting for Zhangyu Company, which is now exhibited in the calligraphy and painting hall of the museum