The recruitment of the second session of volunteer guides has begun!!!


The "First Little Volunteer Explanator" event held by the Changyu Museum in 2016 was launched and received enthusiastic response and support from government departments, parents, and children. Over 200 primary school students received training on the social practice platform we have built. Nowadays, the young volunteers have become a beautiful scenery in the museum's explanation team after being tempered. Their skilled explanations have won countless visitors' stops and praise. They are not only the pride of their parents, but also the pride of our museum.

Parents and friends, do you also want to provide your children with such an opportunity to exercise? On weekends or holidays, taking children to museums to participate in various interactive experiences can not only promote emotional communication between parents and children, but also enhance their ability to receive people and things. How can we miss such opportunities?

1、 Entering poetry, the meaning of "poetry and youth" is unforgettable

Add a section on "Poetry and Youth", including personalized recitation, parent-child poetry recitation, and poetry appreciation, to help children fall in love with traditional poetry culture and enhance the relationship between parents and children.

2、 Entering DIY, using hands, brains, and hearts to fly

Use your brain to design cork shapes, spell cork seals, doodle wine bottles, doodle wine labels, and more. As long as your creativity is exciting enough, exquisite gifts await you. Create a perfect product through self labeling, filling, stuffing, and packaging, and offer filial piety to elders with trendy homemade wine.

3、 Entering Rubbings, Imitating Ancient Rubbings to Promote National Essence

Rubbings art is one of the national treasures and holds an unparalleled special position in traditional Chinese cultural skills. Experience the unique charm of traditional culture of rubbing at the underground wine cellar rubbing workshop in Changyu, where you can appreciate the quality of Liquan rubbing.

4、 Entering Changyu, with a century of accumulation and echoes

We will also invite the first session of volunteer guides to guide you and your child to visit the museum. Their excellent language expression and strong communication skills will provide valuable experience for the second session of volunteer guides.
Imagine a child showcasing what they have learned to visitors, looking energetic, confident, and generous. Which parent is not proud of this? In the future, when children grow up and look back on the past, they will definitely thank you for the special and meaningful social practice memories left on their journey of growth!


What are you waiting for?

Register now!

Registration requirements:

1. Primary school students aged 7-15 can register for free to participate in the "Chang Yu Wine Culture Museum Little Volunteer Instructor" activity.

2. Consultation and registration hotline: +86-535-6609758  +86-535-6633860


3. Click below to read the original text and participate in online registration.
